
Brisighella DOP extra virgin olive oil: an excellence to discover

Brisighella DOP extra virgin olive oil is a product of excellence that best represents the olive-growing tradition of Emilia-Romagna. This oil, obtained mainly from the local Brisighella olive variety, stands out for its unique organoleptic characteristics and for the strict production regulations that guarantee its quality and authenticity. In this article, we will explore the history, peculiarities, production process and best pairings of this precious oil.

Origins and history of Brisighella oil

Brisighella oil has ancient roots, which are rooted in the hilly territory of Romagna, in particular in the areas of Brisighella and the neighboring municipalities of the province of Ravenna. The cultivation of olives in this area dates back to ancient times, favored by the particular soil and climate conditions: the marly-calcareous hills and the mild climate create the ideal environment for the growth of the local Brisighella variety. This thousand-year-old tradition has been preserved thanks to the dedication of small local producers, who have been able to pass on the techniques of cultivation and pressing of olives.

Organoleptic characteristics

Brisighella DOP extra virgin olive oil stands out for its emerald green color with golden highlights and its intense fruity aroma. On the palate, the oil has a balanced flavor, with notes of fresh grass, almond and artichoke, and a light spicy and bitter sensation, typical of superior quality oils. These characteristics make Brisighella oil a versatile product in the kitchen, capable of enhancing both simple dishes and more elaborate preparations.

The DOP specification

To obtain the protected designation of origin (PDO), Brisighella oil must comply with strict production regulations. First of all, the olives must be harvested manually or with the aid of small mechanical tools, to ensure the integrity of the fruit. The pressing, which takes place within 24 hours of harvesting, is done cold, with techniques that preserve the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the oil.

The specification also requires that the entire production cycle - from the cultivation of the olives to the pressing and bottling - takes place exclusively in the defined geographical area, which includes the municipalities of Brisighella, Faenza and Casola Valsenio, all located in the province of Ravenna.

The bond with the territory

The success of Brisighella DOP oil is closely linked to the unique characteristics of the territory from which it comes. The marly-calcareous hills of Romagna, with their favorable microclimate, offer the ideal conditions for the growth of local olives. This link with the territory not only influences the flavor of the oil, but is also an integral part of its identity and cultural value. Local producers, with their small farms, help keep a centuries-old tradition alive, investing in the quality and sustainability of olive production.

Food pairings

Brisighella DOP extra virgin olive oil is particularly appreciated for its versatility in the kitchen. Its fruity and slightly bitter notes make it ideal for use raw on simple dishes such as salads, bruschetta and meat or fish carpaccio. It is also perfect for seasoning grilled vegetables, legumes and soups, where it enhances the flavours without overpowering them. Thanks to its complex structure, it can also be used for more elaborate dishes such as grilled meats and baked fish.

A quality condiment for every occasion

Whether it is to enhance a traditional dish or enrich a modern recipe, Brisighella DOP extra virgin olive oil represents a quality choice for those who want to bring an authentic and precious product to the table. Thanks to its unmistakable flavor and its deep connection with the territory, this oil is considered one of the best in Italy and a true gastronomic excellence to be discovered and enhanced on every occasion.