
Why is wine bottled in dark bottles? For example, Lambrusco

Why is wine stored in dark bottles? The case of Lambrusco

Wine, a drink loved all over the world, is often stored in dark bottles, especially Lambrusco. But why? This choice is not purely aesthetic, but based on an important scientific reason: the protection of wine from deterioration.

Light, in fact, is an enemy of wine, especially direct sunlight.

The Effect of Light on Wine

Light, especially ultraviolet (UV) light, can cause a variety of chemical reactions within wine that alter its flavor, aroma, and color. Here are some of the negative effects of light on wine:
  • Oxidation: Light promotes oxidation, a chemical process that causes wine to react with oxygen, leading to the formation of unwanted compounds that alter the flavor and aroma of the wine. Oxidized wines can taste rancid and stale.
  • Degradation of aromatic compounds: UV light can degrade the aromatic compounds responsible for the complex bouquet of wine. This leads to a decrease in the intensity and complexity of the aroma.
  • Discoloration: UV light can cause wine to discolor, especially red wines. Red wines, for example, may become more brown or orange.

Why are Lambrusco bottles dark?

Lambrusco, being a sparkling wine and often deep red in color, is particularly susceptible to damage from light. Bottles of Lambrusco are therefore usually dark in color, often dark green or amber, to block UV light and protect the wine from these unwanted reactions. This helps preserve its freshness, flavor, and deep color.

How to store wine correctly

In addition to the color of the bottle, there are other important factors for wine preservation. Here are some tips:
  • Store in a cool, dark place: ideally a cellar or a cool, dark place with a constant temperature between 10°C and 18°C.
  • Horizontal position: Wine bottles should be stored in a horizontal position to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out. This prevents air from entering the bottle and oxidizing the wine. However, Lambrusco, being a sparkling wine, is usually stored in a vertical position, also to favor the sedimentation of the "lees".
  • Protect from direct sunlight: It is important to protect your wine from direct sunlight, especially UV light. Even fluorescent lights can cause damage to your wine over time.
Dark wine bottles, such as Lambrusco, are an important element in wine storage. They protect the wine from UV light, preventing oxidation, degradation of aromatic compounds, and discoloration. By combining storage in a cool, dark place with other guidelines, you can keep your wine at its best and enjoy an optimal tasting experience.